The Benefits of a Children’s Garden

A Children Garden is an area where children can spend time and explore nature. You can start with a small area that is four by four feet in size and grow from there. The garden can be your classroom, but you don’t need to do everything yourself. With some supervision, children can do most of the tasks. You can also give them some fresh produce to eat from the garden. Listed below are some of the benefits of having a Children Garden.

A children’s garden is one of the highlights of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. In addition to providing a great place for kids to play, it also has an educational play area. For instance, there is a playhouse and a Wishing Tree. By the end of the year, the Tree will be full of wishes. The Children Garden also features a solar greenhouse, built in the late 1970s. The greenhouse has 55 50-gallon jugs that store heat during the day and release it back into the garden at night.

To begin the project, assign your children an area of your yard to watch. It can be anywhere in your yard, but try to pick an area with soil, water source, and other plants they might like. Write down the time and whether the sun is shining or not. Then, set a timer for thirty minutes. If the sun is still shining, start the process again. Continue this until the day is complete, and add up the hours of sunshine each day.

Another good idea for the Children Garden is a garden diary. The children can take notes about the weather, when they plant their seeds, when they need watering, or if they see any pests or weeds. Recording these little victories will help them develop self-confidence and responsibility. Whether it’s the first time they see a flower bloom, or the first visible vegetable, these milestones can be documented by taking pictures and writing them down.

Another way to celebrate the success of their gardening efforts is by creating a special garden journal. You can use a spiral notebook for the journal, or you can invest in a special gardening journal designed for children. Children can also use safety scissors to cut flowers with soft stems. These can be framed for gifts or used for centerpieces. Many flowers grow better after dead-heading, and cutting the flowers regularly can help them bloom. This way, they can enjoy the flowers for years to come.

While the Children Garden is a simple and rewarding experience, it may lead to more complex projects in the future. For instance, planting vegetables does not require any special knowledge on your part, but the garden itself is an excellent learning opportunity and a wonderful experience. After a few years, they’ll be ready for larger gardening projects, which is what we’re here for – education. For all the above benefits, you should be sure to invest in a Children Garden.