What Garden Plants to Plant in Your Outdoor Space

As the weather turns warmer, you may wonder what garden plants to plant in your outdoor space. You can try setting up a raised bed for your plants, as these are less prone to pests. Using bamboo or simple plant stakes, you can create a frame for your garden. Then, place garden netting on the top to keep birds from destroying your plants, and hardware cloth to prevent burrowing rodents. In addition, a smaller surface area makes it easier to protect your plants from pests.

Delosperma is a native of Africa with fleshy, clustered leaves. It can grow as small as 1/2 inch in height, but can be several feet wide. This plant makes a lovely border, and is also ideal for softening the edges of buildings, walkways, and driveways. Delosperma varieties can bloom in spring and summer. You can find a two-toned variety if you’re planting in a dry, hot climate.

Annuals can brighten up any spot in the garden. You can plant annuals in flower beds, borders, and hanging baskets. Perennials, meanwhile, bloom year after year. However, to reap the benefits of your new plants, make sure they have the proper climate and soil conditions. If you have an overgrown garden, you can divide the plants for transplanting. In addition to cutting back their foliage, you can divide large plants and use them as seeds for new ones.

Choose perennials that are easy to maintain and require little maintenance. Salvias, for example, flower all summer and fall. Their sword-like blooms make them great choices for pots and hanging baskets. Dwarf salvias are also great options for containers and hanging baskets. You can also plant petunias in containers and pots. Petunias are great because they require minimal care. They thrive in cool climates.

Spider mites can cause heavy damage to plants by sucking plant cell fluid. Although a small amount is not a cause for concern, if their numbers are high, they can damage plants severely. The damage is often accompanied by yellowish spots on leaves and sometimes, the plant itself will fall off. So, if you find spider mites in your garden, don’t neglect them. Your garden will thank you. Just be sure to keep an eye out for them!

Adding a beautiful flowering vine to your landscape is easy, but it takes care to keep it healthy. A knowledgeable clematis expert can help you get it started and thrive. Yellowjackets are another beneficial insect to watch out for. They pollinate many kinds of plants. The yellowjacket can make the difference between a beautiful garden and no flowers at all. The yellowjacket can also be a problem.